start > auteurs > Hans Aslak Guttorm

Hans Aslak Guttorm


Hans Aslak Guttorm (1906-1992) is in many ways the link between the Sami writers of the first part of the twentieth century and the generation of writers that appeared on the literary scene in the 1960s and 1970s. Guttorm went to Jyvaskyla in southern Finland in the 1930s with the intention of becoming a teacher, and he wrote several manuscripts in Sami during his years as a student there. Only one manuscript was published during that time, Koccam spalli [Rising Wind], which appeared in 1940, the same year as the outbreak of WWH. The other manuscripts remained in his desk drawer until the the first Sami-owned and Sami-managed publishing company released them as a series of monographs in the 1980s. Significantly, it was Guttorm who was honored by being nominated as the first Sami candidate for the Nordic Prize for Literature in 1984; nominated for work which had existed only in manuscript form for close to fifty years. (bron: In the Shadow of the Midnight Sun 1996)
Hans Aslak Guttorm, geboren 1907 in Outakoski, Finnland, gestorben 1992 am selben Ort. Nach seiner Lehrerausbildung in Jyväskylä unterrichtete er von 1935 bis 1969 in Inari und Outakoski, daneben war er schriftstellerisch tätig und verfasste Lyrik und Prosa in nordsamischer Sprache. Sein 1940 erschienener Band Koccam spalli (Erwachter Sturmwind), eine Sammlung von Gedichten und Kurzgeschichten, war das einzige belletristische Werk, das zwischen 1940 und 1970 in samischer Sprache publiziert wurde. Viele seiner Werke erschienen in Zeitschriften. Mehrere Jahre war er Redakteur der Monatszeitschrift Sápmelas (Sámi), 1985 wurde sein Buch Golgadeamen (Treibnetzfischfang im Herbst, 1982) fur den Literaturpreis des Nordischen Rates nominiert. (bron: Johanna Domokos 2019)

Websites (1)

Hieronder geven we een kleine selectie van websites over Hans Aslak Guttorm.

Wikipedia: Hans Aslak Guttorm (EN)


Overzicht publicaties (met vertalingen):

1996, Šuvvi jahki
1996, Šuvvi jahki
1986, Iešnjárgga šiljut
1984, Radjajohtin
1982, Golgadeamen
1982, Golgadeamen
1940, Koccam spalli: tivtak ja maidnasak
1940, Koccam spalli: tivtak ja maidnasak

Het overzicht van de originele publicaties is niet per se compleet. Ik streef om praktische redenen geen volledigheid na.


Overzicht vertalingen:

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Wel zijn er publicaties in tijdschriften of bloemlezingen.

Vertalingen in tijdschriften en bloemlezingen (2)
