start > auteurs > Sara Margaretha Oskal

Sara Margaretha Oskal
Samenland (Sápmi)


Sara Margrethe Oskal is from Guovdageaidnu, the largest municipality in Norway, and home for the Sami University College. She is an actor, director and poet.

In 2010 she defended her dissertation “Skealbma ut i verden - samisk gjøglertradisjon i fortellinger og joik, og modern sceneuttrykk” (Skealbma Out Into the World: Sami Trickster Tradition in Stories and Yoik, and in Modern Theatrical Expression) at the Oslo National Academy of the Arts.

The book Samiskgjøgler ut i verden (Sami Trickster Out Into the World), from 2010, is based on her artistic work at the Academy of the Arts. Oskal made her poetic debut with the collection váimmu vuohttume (cradling the heart) in 2006.
In this book she often illustrates human relationships with expressions taken from Sami handicraft tradition (duodji). A poet with a sensitivity for words, she plays with language, making ample use of the alliteration so common in classical
Sami poetry. In her theatrical work Oskal employs Sami irony, characterized by understatement and implication. The implications are often ambiguous, causing the main characters interpretation to correspond to the role of a trickster. Oskal made her theatrical premier with the piece “The Whole Cabooble - Guksin guollemuorran” at Riddu Riddu in 2009. She published the piece herself in Sami and English. Oskal also edited Apercu de litterature sami, a short anthology of Sami texts published in French by the Sami Authors Association in 2011. (bron: Harald Gaski - Whispering Treasures 2012)

Websites (3)


Overzicht publicaties (met vertalingen):

2014, Skelbmošit máilmmi lávddiin
2012, Savkkuhan sávrri sániid
2010, Samisk gjøgler ut i verden
2009, Guksin Guollemuorran - The Whole Caboodle : Guksin Guollemuorran - The Whole Caboodle, 2009
2006, Váimmu vuohttume

Het overzicht van de originele publicaties is niet per se compleet. Ik streef om praktische redenen geen volledigheid na.


Overzicht vertalingen:

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Guksin Guollemuorran - The Whole Caboodle
auteur: Sara Margaretha Oskal
land: Samenland (Sápmi)
vertaling van: Guksin Guollemuorran - The Whole Caboodle , 2009
genre: toneel

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Vertalingen in tijdschriften en bloemlezingen (1)
